15 KB

  1. doSave=Save
  2. doCancel=Cancel
  3. doLogOutAllSessions=Log out all sessions
  4. doRemove=Remove
  5. doAdd=Add
  6. doSignOut=Sign Out
  7. doLogIn=Log In
  8. doLink=Link
  9. noAccessMessage=Access not allowed
  10. editAccountHtmlTitle=Edit Account
  11. personalInfoHtmlTitle=Personal Info
  12. federatedIdentitiesHtmlTitle=Federated Identities
  13. accountLogHtmlTitle=Account Log
  14. changePasswordHtmlTitle=Change Password
  15. deviceActivityHtmlTitle=Device Activity
  16. sessionsHtmlTitle=Sessions
  17. accountManagementTitle=Keycloak Account Management
  18. authenticatorTitle=Authenticator
  19. applicationsHtmlTitle=Applications
  20. linkedAccountsHtmlTitle=Linked Accounts
  21. accountManagementWelcomeMessage=Welcome to Keycloak Account Management
  22. personalInfoIntroMessage=Manage your basic information
  23. accountSecurityTitle=Account Security
  24. accountSecurityIntroMessage=Control your password and account access
  25. applicationsIntroMessage=Track and manage your app permission to access your account
  26. resourceIntroMessage=Share your resources among team members
  27. passwordLastUpdateMessage=Your password was updated at
  28. updatePasswordTitle=Update Password
  29. updatePasswordMessageTitle=Make sure you choose a strong password
  30. updatePasswordMessage=A strong password contains a mix of numbers, letters, and symbols. It is hard to guess, does not resemble a real word, and is only used for this account.
  31. personalSubTitle=Your Personal Info
  32. personalSubMessage=Manage this basic information: your first name, last name and email
  33. authenticatorCode=One-time code
  34. email=Email
  35. firstName=First name
  36. givenName=Given name
  37. fullName=Full name
  38. lastName=Last name
  39. familyName=Family name
  40. password=Password
  41. currentPassword=Current Password
  42. passwordConfirm=Confirmation
  43. passwordNew=New Password
  44. username=Username
  45. address=Address
  46. street=Street
  47. locality=City or Locality
  48. region=State, Province, or Region
  49. postal_code=Zip or Postal code
  50. country=Country
  51. emailVerified=Email verified
  52. website=Web page
  53. phoneNumber=Phone number
  54. phoneNumberVerified=Phone number verified
  55. gender=Gender
  56. birthday=Birthdate
  57. zoneinfo=Time zone
  58. gssDelegationCredential=GSS Delegation Credential
  59. profileScopeConsentText=User profile
  60. emailScopeConsentText=Email address
  61. addressScopeConsentText=Address
  62. phoneScopeConsentText=Phone number
  63. offlineAccessScopeConsentText=Offline Access
  64. samlRoleListScopeConsentText=My Roles
  65. rolesScopeConsentText=User roles
  66. role_admin=Admin
  67. role_realm-admin=Realm Admin
  68. role_create-realm=Create realm
  69. role_view-realm=View realm
  70. role_view-users=View users
  71. role_view-applications=View applications
  72. role_view-clients=View clients
  73. role_view-events=View events
  74. role_view-identity-providers=View identity providers
  75. role_view-consent=View consents
  76. role_manage-realm=Manage realm
  77. role_manage-users=Manage users
  78. role_manage-applications=Manage applications
  79. role_manage-identity-providers=Manage identity providers
  80. role_manage-clients=Manage clients
  81. role_manage-events=Manage events
  82. role_view-profile=View profile
  83. role_manage-account=Manage account
  84. role_manage-account-links=Manage account links
  85. role_manage-consent=Manage consents
  86. role_read-token=Read token
  87. role_offline-access=Offline access
  88. role_uma_authorization=Obtain permissions
  89. client_account=Account
  90. client_account-console=Account Console
  91. client_security-admin-console=Security Admin Console
  92. client_admin-cli=Admin CLI
  93. client_realm-management=Realm Management
  94. client_broker=Broker
  95. requiredFields=Required fields
  96. allFieldsRequired=All fields required
  97. backToApplication=« Back to application
  98. backTo=Back to {0}
  99. date=Date
  100. event=Event
  101. ip=IP
  102. client=Client
  103. clients=Clients
  104. details=Details
  105. started=Started
  106. lastAccess=Last Access
  107. expires=Expires
  108. applications=Applications
  109. account=Account
  110. federatedIdentity=Federated Identity
  111. authenticator=Authenticator
  112. device-activity=Device Activity
  113. sessions=Sessions
  114. log=Log
  115. application=Application
  116. availableRoles=Available Roles
  117. grantedPermissions=Granted Permissions
  118. grantedPersonalInfo=Granted Personal Info
  119. additionalGrants=Additional Grants
  120. action=Action
  121. inResource=in
  122. fullAccess=Full Access
  123. offlineToken=Offline Token
  124. revoke=Revoke Grant
  125. configureAuthenticators=Configured Authenticators
  126. mobile=Mobile
  127. totpStep1=Install one of the following applications on your mobile:
  128. totpStep2=Open the application and scan the barcode:
  129. totpStep3=Enter the one-time code provided by the application and click Save to finish the setup.
  130. totpStep3DeviceName=Provide a Device Name to help you manage your OTP devices.
  131. totpManualStep2=Open the application and enter the key:
  132. totpManualStep3=Use the following configuration values if the application allows setting them:
  133. totpUnableToScan=Unable to scan?
  134. totpScanBarcode=Scan barcode?
  135. totp.totp=Time-based
  136. totp.hotp=Counter-based
  137. totpType=Type
  138. totpAlgorithm=Algorithm
  139. totpDigits=Digits
  140. totpInterval=Interval
  141. totpCounter=Counter
  142. totpDeviceName=Device Name
  143. irreversibleAction=This action is irreversible
  144. deletingImplies=Deleting your account implies:
  145. errasingData=Erasing all your data
  146. loggingOutImmediately=Logging you out immediately
  147. accountUnusable=Any subsequent use of the application will not be possible with this account
  148. missingUsernameMessage=Please specify username.
  149. missingFirstNameMessage=Please specify first name.
  150. invalidEmailMessage=Invalid email address.
  151. missingLastNameMessage=Please specify last name.
  152. missingEmailMessage=Please specify email.
  153. missingPasswordMessage=Please specify password.
  154. notMatchPasswordMessage=Passwords don''t match.
  155. invalidUserMessage=Invalid user
  156. updateReadOnlyAttributesRejectedMessage=Update of read-only attribute rejected
  157. missingTotpMessage=Please specify authenticator code.
  158. missingTotpDeviceNameMessage=Please specify device name.
  159. invalidPasswordExistingMessage=Invalid existing password.
  160. invalidPasswordConfirmMessage=Password confirmation doesn''t match.
  161. invalidTotpMessage=Invalid authenticator code.
  162. usernameExistsMessage=Username already exists.
  163. emailExistsMessage=Email already exists.
  164. readOnlyUserMessage=You can''t update your account as it is read-only.
  165. readOnlyUsernameMessage=You can''t update your username as it is read-only.
  166. readOnlyPasswordMessage=You can''t update your password as your account is read-only.
  167. successTotpMessage=Mobile authenticator configured.
  168. successTotpRemovedMessage=Mobile authenticator removed.
  169. successGrantRevokedMessage=Grant revoked successfully.
  170. accountUpdatedMessage=Your account has been updated.
  171. accountPasswordUpdatedMessage=Your password has been updated.
  172. missingIdentityProviderMessage=Identity provider not specified.
  173. invalidFederatedIdentityActionMessage=Invalid or missing action.
  174. identityProviderNotFoundMessage=Specified identity provider not found.
  175. federatedIdentityLinkNotActiveMessage=This identity is not active anymore.
  176. federatedIdentityRemovingLastProviderMessage=You can''t remove last federated identity as you don''t have a password.
  177. identityProviderRedirectErrorMessage=Failed to redirect to identity provider.
  178. identityProviderRemovedMessage=Identity provider removed successfully.
  179. identityProviderAlreadyLinkedMessage=Federated identity returned by {0} is already linked to another user.
  180. staleCodeAccountMessage=The page expired. Please try one more time.
  181. consentDenied=Consent denied.
  182. accountDisabledMessage=Account is disabled, contact your administrator.
  183. accountTemporarilyDisabledMessage=Account is temporarily disabled, contact your administrator or try again later.
  184. invalidPasswordMinLengthMessage=Invalid password: minimum length {0}.
  185. invalidPasswordMaxLengthMessage=Invalid password: maximum length {0}.
  186. invalidPasswordMinLowerCaseCharsMessage=Invalid password: must contain at least {0} lower case characters.
  187. invalidPasswordMinDigitsMessage=Invalid password: must contain at least {0} numerical digits.
  188. invalidPasswordMinUpperCaseCharsMessage=Invalid password: must contain at least {0} upper case characters.
  189. invalidPasswordMinSpecialCharsMessage=Invalid password: must contain at least {0} special characters.
  190. invalidPasswordNotUsernameMessage=Invalid password: must not be equal to the username.
  191. invalidPasswordNotEmailMessage=Invalid password: must not be equal to the email.
  192. invalidPasswordRegexPatternMessage=Invalid password: fails to match regex pattern(s).
  193. invalidPasswordHistoryMessage=Invalid password: must not be equal to any of last {0} passwords.
  194. invalidPasswordBlacklistedMessage=Invalid password: password is blacklisted.
  195. invalidPasswordGenericMessage=Invalid password: new password doesn''t match password policies.
  196. # Authorization
  197. myResources=My Resources
  198. myResourcesSub=My resources
  199. doDeny=Deny
  200. doRevoke=Revoke
  201. doApprove=Approve
  202. doRemoveSharing=Remove Sharing
  203. doRemoveRequest=Remove Request
  204. peopleAccessResource=People with access to this resource
  205. resourceManagedPolicies=Permissions granting access to this resource
  206. resourceNoPermissionsGrantingAccess=No permissions granting access to this resource
  207. anyAction=Any action
  208. description=Description
  209. name=Name
  210. scopes=Scopes
  211. resource=Resource
  212. user=User
  213. peopleSharingThisResource=People sharing this resource
  214. shareWithOthers=Share with others
  215. needMyApproval=Need my approval
  216. requestsWaitingApproval=Your requests waiting approval
  217. icon=Icon
  218. requestor=Requestor
  219. owner=Owner
  220. resourcesSharedWithMe=Resources shared with me
  221. permissionRequestion=Permission Requestion
  222. permission=Permission
  223. shares=share(s)
  224. notBeingShared=This resource is not being shared.
  225. notHaveAnyResource=You don't have any resources
  226. noResourcesSharedWithYou=There are no resources shared with you
  227. havePermissionRequestsWaitingForApproval=You have {0} permission request(s) waiting for approval.
  228. clickHereForDetails=Click here for details.
  229. resourceIsNotBeingShared=The resource is not being shared
  230. locale_ca=Catal\u00e0
  231. locale_cs=\u010Ce\u0161tina
  232. locale_de=Deutsch
  233. locale_en=English
  234. locale_es=Espa\u00f1ol
  235. locale_fr=Fran\u00e7ais
  236. locale_hu=Magyar
  237. locale_it=Italiano
  238. locale_ja=\u65e5\u672c\u8a9e
  239. locale_lt=Lietuvi\u0173
  240. locale_nl=Nederlands
  241. locale_no=Norsk
  242. locale_pl=Polski
  243. locale_pt-BR=Portugu\u00eas (Brasil)
  244. locale_ru=\u0420\u0443\u0441\u0441\u043a\u0438\u0439
  245. locale_sk=Sloven\u010dina
  246. locale_sv=Svenska
  247. locale_tr=T\u00FCrk\u00E7e
  248. locale_zh-CN=\u4e2d\u6587\u7b80\u4f53
  249. # Applications
  250. applicationName=Name
  251. applicationType=Application Type
  252. applicationInUse=In-use app only
  253. clearAllFilter=Clear all filters
  254. activeFilters=Active filters
  255. filterByName=Filter By Name ...
  256. allApps=All applications
  257. internalApps=Internal applications
  258. thirdpartyApps=Third-Party applications
  259. appResults=Results
  260. clientNotFoundMessage=Client not found.
  261. # Linked account
  262. authorizedProvider=Authorized Provider
  263. authorizedProviderMessage=Authorized Providers linked with your account
  264. identityProvider=Identity Provider
  265. identityProviderMessage=To link your account with identity providers you have configured
  266. socialLogin=Social Login
  267. userDefined=User Defined
  268. removeAccess=Remove Access
  269. removeAccessMessage=You will need to grant access again, if you want to use this app account.
  270. #Authenticator
  271. authenticatorStatusMessage=Two-factor authentication is currently
  272. authenticatorFinishSetUpTitle=Your Two-Factor Authentication
  273. authenticatorFinishSetUpMessage=Each time you sign in to your Keycloak account, you will be asked to provide a two-factor authentication code.
  274. authenticatorSubTitle=Set Up Two-Factor Authentication
  275. authenticatorSubMessage=To enhance the security of your account, enable at least one of the available two-factor authentication methods.
  276. authenticatorMobileTitle=Mobile Authenticator
  277. authenticatorMobileMessage=Use mobile Authenticator to get Verification codes as the two-factor authentication.
  278. authenticatorMobileFinishSetUpMessage=The authenticator has been bound to your phone.
  279. authenticatorActionSetup=Set up
  280. authenticatorSMSTitle=SMS Code
  281. authenticatorSMSMessage=Keycloak will send the Verification code to your phone as the two-factor authentication.
  282. authenticatorSMSFinishSetUpMessage=Text messages are sent to
  283. authenticatorDefaultStatus=Default
  284. authenticatorChangePhone=Change Phone Number
  285. authenticatorBackupCodesTitle=Backup Codes
  286. authenticatorBackupCodesMessage=Get your 8-digit backup codes
  287. authenticatorBackupCodesFinishSetUpMessage=12 backup codes were generated at this time. Each one can be used once.
  288. #Authenticator - Mobile Authenticator setup
  289. authenticatorMobileSetupTitle=Mobile Authenticator Setup
  290. smscodeIntroMessage=Enter your phone number and a verification code will be sent to your phone.
  291. mobileSetupStep1=Install an authenticator application on your phone. The applications listed here are supported.
  292. mobileSetupStep2=Open the application and scan the barcode:
  293. mobileSetupStep3=Enter the one-time code provided by the application and click Save to finish the setup.
  294. scanBarCode=Want to scan the barcode?
  295. enterBarCode=Enter the one-time code
  296. doCopy=Copy
  297. doFinish=Finish
  298. #Authenticator - SMS Code setup
  299. authenticatorSMSCodeSetupTitle=SMS Code Setup
  300. chooseYourCountry=Choose your country
  301. enterYourPhoneNumber=Enter your phone number
  302. sendVerficationCode=Send Verification Code
  303. enterYourVerficationCode=Enter your verification code
  304. #Authenticator - backup Code setup
  305. authenticatorBackupCodesSetupTitle=Backup Codes Setup
  306. backupcodesIntroMessage=If you lose access to your phone, you can still log into your account through backup codes. Keep them somewhere safe and accessible.
  307. realmName=Realm
  308. doDownload=Download
  309. doPrint=Print
  310. backupCodesTips-1=Each backup code can be used once.
  311. backupCodesTips-2=These codes were generated on
  312. generateNewBackupCodes=Generate New Backup Codes
  313. backupCodesTips-3=When you generate new backup codes, the current codes will not work anymore.
  314. backtoAuthenticatorPage=Back to Authenticator Page
  315. #Resources
  316. resources=Resources
  317. sharedwithMe=Shared with Me
  318. share=Share
  319. sharedwith=Shared with
  320. accessPermissions=Access Permissions
  321. permissionRequests=Permission Requests
  322. approve=Approve
  323. approveAll=Approve all
  324. people=people
  325. perPage=per page
  326. currentPage=Current Page
  327. sharetheResource=Share the resource
  328. group=Group
  329. selectPermission=Select Permission
  330. addPeople=Add people to share your resource with
  331. addTeam=Add team to share your resource with
  332. myPermissions=My Permissions
  333. waitingforApproval=Waiting for approval
  334. anyPermission=Any Permission
  335. # Openshift messages
  336. openshift.scope.user_info=User information
  337. openshift.scope.user_check-access=User access information
  338. openshift.scope.user_full=Full Access
  339. openshift.scope.list-projects=List projects
  340. error-invalid-value=Invalid value.
  341. error-invalid-blank=Please specify value.
  342. error-empty=Please specify value.
  343. error-invalid-length=Attribute {0} must have a length between {1} and {2}.
  344. error-invalid-length-too-short=Attribute {0} must have minimal length of {1}.
  345. error-invalid-length-too-long=Attribute {0} must have maximal length of {2}.
  346. error-invalid-email=Invalid email address.
  347. error-invalid-number=Invalid number.
  348. error-number-out-of-range=Attribute {0} must be a number between {1} and {2}.
  349. error-number-out-of-range-too-small=Attribute {0} must have minimal value of {1}.
  350. error-number-out-of-range-too-big=Attribute {0} must have maximal value of {2}.
  351. error-pattern-no-match=Invalid value.
  352. error-invalid-uri=Invalid URL.
  353. error-invalid-uri-scheme=Invalid URL scheme.
  354. error-invalid-uri-fragment=Invalid URL fragment.
  355. error-user-attribute-required=Please specify attribute {0}.
  356. error-invalid-date=Invalid date.
  357. error-user-attribute-read-only=The field {0} is read only.
  358. error-username-invalid-character=Username contains invalid character.
  359. error-person-name-invalid-character=Name contains invalid character.