function _defineProperty(obj, key, value) { if (key in obj) { Object.defineProperty(obj, key, { value: value, enumerable: true, configurable: true, writable: true }); } else { obj[key] = value; } return obj; } /* * Copyright 2018 Red Hat, Inc. and/or its affiliates. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ import * as React from "../../../../common/keycloak/web_modules/react.js"; import { ActionGroup, Button, Form, FormGroup, TextInput, Grid, GridItem, Expandable } from "../../../../common/keycloak/web_modules/@patternfly/react-core.js"; import { AccountServiceContext } from "../../account-service/AccountServiceContext.js"; import { Msg } from "../../widgets/Msg.js"; import { ContentPage } from "../ContentPage.js"; import { ContentAlert } from "../ContentAlert.js"; import { LocaleSelector } from "../../widgets/LocaleSelectors.js"; import { KeycloakContext } from "../../keycloak-service/KeycloakContext.js"; import { AIACommand } from "../../util/AIACommand.js"; /** * @author Stan Silvert (C) 2018 Red Hat Inc. */ export class AccountPage extends React.Component { constructor(props, context) { super(props); _defineProperty(this, "context", void 0); _defineProperty(this, "isRegistrationEmailAsUsername", features.isRegistrationEmailAsUsername); _defineProperty(this, "isEditUserNameAllowed", features.isEditUserNameAllowed); _defineProperty(this, "isDeleteAccountAllowed", features.deleteAccountAllowed); _defineProperty(this, "DEFAULT_STATE", { errors: { username: '', firstName: '', lastName: '', email: '' }, formFields: { username: '', firstName: '', lastName: '', email: '', attributes: {} } }); _defineProperty(this, "state", this.DEFAULT_STATE); _defineProperty(this, "handleCancel", () => { this.fetchPersonalInfo(); }); _defineProperty(this, "handleChange", (value, event) => { const target = event.currentTarget; const name =; this.setState({ errors: { ...this.state.errors, [name]: target.validationMessage }, formFields: { ...this.state.formFields, [name]: value } }); }); _defineProperty(this, "handleSubmit", event => { event.preventDefault(); const form =; const isValid = form.checkValidity(); if (isValid) { const reqData = { ...this.state.formFields }; this.context.doPost("/", reqData).then(() => { ContentAlert.success('accountUpdatedMessage'); if (locale !== this.state.formFields.attributes.locale[0]) { window.location.reload(); } }); } else { const formData = new FormData(form); const validationMessages = Array.from(formData.keys()).reduce((acc, key) => { acc[key] = form.elements[key].validationMessage; return acc; }, {}); this.setState({ errors: { ...validationMessages }, formFields: this.state.formFields }); } }); _defineProperty(this, "handleDelete", keycloak => { new AIACommand(keycloak, "delete_account").execute(); }); _defineProperty(this, "UsernameInput", () => React.createElement(TextInput, { isRequired: true, type: "text", id: "user-name", name: "username", maxLength: 254, value: this.state.formFields.username, onChange: this.handleChange, isValid: this.state.errors.username === '' })); _defineProperty(this, "RestrictedUsernameInput", () => React.createElement(TextInput, { isDisabled: true, type: "text", id: "user-name", name: "username", value: this.state.formFields.username })); this.context = context; this.fetchPersonalInfo(); } fetchPersonalInfo() { this.context.doGet("/").then(response => { this.setState(this.DEFAULT_STATE); const formFields =; if (!formFields.attributes) { formFields.attributes = { locale: [locale] }; } else if (!formFields.attributes.locale) { formFields.attributes.locale = [locale]; } this.setState({ ...{ formFields: formFields } }); }); } render() { const fields = this.state.formFields; return React.createElement(ContentPage, { title: "personalInfoHtmlTitle", introMessage: "personalSubMessage" }, React.createElement(Form, { isHorizontal: true, onSubmit: event => this.handleSubmit(event) }, !this.isRegistrationEmailAsUsername && React.createElement(FormGroup, { label: Msg.localize('username'), isRequired: true, fieldId: "user-name", helperTextInvalid: this.state.errors.username, isValid: this.state.errors.username === '' }, this.isEditUserNameAllowed && React.createElement(this.UsernameInput, null), !this.isEditUserNameAllowed && React.createElement(this.RestrictedUsernameInput, null)), React.createElement(FormGroup, { label: Msg.localize('email'), isRequired: true, fieldId: "email-address", helperTextInvalid:, isValid: === '' }, React.createElement(TextInput, { isRequired: true, type: "email", id: "email-address", name: "email", maxLength: 254, value:, onChange: this.handleChange, isValid: === '' })), React.createElement(FormGroup, { label: Msg.localize('firstName'), isRequired: true, fieldId: "first-name", helperTextInvalid: this.state.errors.firstName, isValid: this.state.errors.firstName === '' }, React.createElement(TextInput, { isRequired: true, type: "text", id: "first-name", name: "firstName", maxLength: 254, value: fields.firstName, onChange: this.handleChange, isValid: this.state.errors.firstName === '' })), React.createElement(FormGroup, { label: Msg.localize('lastName'), isRequired: true, fieldId: "last-name", helperTextInvalid: this.state.errors.lastName, isValid: this.state.errors.lastName === '' }, React.createElement(TextInput, { isRequired: true, type: "text", id: "last-name", name: "lastName", maxLength: 254, value: fields.lastName, onChange: this.handleChange, isValid: this.state.errors.lastName === '' })), features.isInternationalizationEnabled && React.createElement(FormGroup, { label: Msg.localize('selectLocale'), isRequired: true, fieldId: "locale" }, React.createElement(LocaleSelector, { id: "locale-selector", value: fields.attributes.locale || '', onChange: value => this.setState({ errors: this.state.errors, formFields: { ...this.state.formFields, attributes: { ...this.state.formFields.attributes, locale: [value] } } }) })), React.createElement(ActionGroup, null, React.createElement(Button, { type: "submit", id: "save-btn", variant: "primary", isDisabled: Object.values(this.state.errors).filter(e => e !== '').length !== 0 }, React.createElement(Msg, { msgKey: "doSave" })), React.createElement(Button, { id: "cancel-btn", variant: "secondary", onClick: this.handleCancel }, React.createElement(Msg, { msgKey: "doCancel" })))), this.isDeleteAccountAllowed && React.createElement("div", { id: "delete-account", style: { marginTop: "30px" } }, React.createElement(Expandable, { toggleText: "Delete Account" }, React.createElement(Grid, { gutter: "sm" }, React.createElement(GridItem, { span: 6 }, React.createElement("p", null, React.createElement(Msg, { msgKey: "deleteAccountWarning" }))), React.createElement(GridItem, { span: 4 }, React.createElement(KeycloakContext.Consumer, null, keycloak => React.createElement(Button, { id: "delete-account-btn", variant: "danger", onClick: () => this.handleDelete(keycloak), className: "delete-button" }, React.createElement(Msg, { msgKey: "doDelete" })))), React.createElement(GridItem, { span: 2 }))))); } } _defineProperty(AccountPage, "contextType", AccountServiceContext); ; //#