function _defineProperty(obj, key, value) { if (key in obj) { Object.defineProperty(obj, key, { value: value, enumerable: true, configurable: true, writable: true }); } else { obj[key] = value; } return obj; } /* * Copyright 2019 Red Hat, Inc. and/or its affiliates. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ import * as React from "../../../../common/keycloak/web_modules/react.js"; import { withRouter } from "../../../../common/keycloak/web_modules/react-router-dom.js"; import { Badge, Button, DataList, DataListAction, DataListItemCells, DataListCell, DataListItemRow, Stack, StackItem, Title, TitleLevel, DataListItem } from "../../../../common/keycloak/web_modules/@patternfly/react-core.js"; import { BitbucketIcon, CubeIcon, FacebookIcon, GithubIcon, GitlabIcon, GoogleIcon, InstagramIcon, LinkIcon, LinkedinIcon, MicrosoftIcon, OpenshiftIcon, PaypalIcon, StackOverflowIcon, TwitterIcon, UnlinkIcon } from "../../../../common/keycloak/web_modules/@patternfly/react-icons.js"; import { AccountServiceContext } from "../../account-service/AccountServiceContext.js"; import { Msg } from "../../widgets/Msg.js"; import { ContentPage } from "../ContentPage.js"; import { createRedirect } from "../../util/RedirectUri.js"; /** * @author Stan Silvert */ class LinkedAccountsPage extends React.Component { constructor(props, context) { super(props); _defineProperty(this, "context", void 0); this.context = context; this.state = { linkedAccounts: [], unLinkedAccounts: [] }; this.getLinkedAccounts(); } getLinkedAccounts() { this.context.doGet("/linked-accounts").then(response => { console.log({ response }); const linkedAccounts = => account.connected); const unLinkedAccounts = => !account.connected); this.setState({ linkedAccounts: linkedAccounts, unLinkedAccounts: unLinkedAccounts }); }); } unLinkAccount(account) { const url = '/linked-accounts/' + account.providerName; this.context.doDelete(url).then(response => { console.log({ response }); this.getLinkedAccounts(); }); } linkAccount(account) { const url = '/linked-accounts/' + account.providerName; const redirectUri = createRedirect(this.props.location.pathname); this.context.doGet(url, { params: { providerId: account.providerName, redirectUri } }).then(response => { console.log({ response }); window.location.href =; }); } render() { return React.createElement(ContentPage, { title: Msg.localize('linkedAccountsTitle'), introMessage: Msg.localize('linkedAccountsIntroMessage') }, React.createElement(Stack, { gutter: "md" }, React.createElement(StackItem, { isFilled: true }, React.createElement(Title, { headingLevel: TitleLevel.h2, size: "2xl" }, React.createElement(Msg, { msgKey: "linkedLoginProviders" })), React.createElement(DataList, { id: "linked-idps", "aria-label": "foo" }, this.makeRows(this.state.linkedAccounts, true))), React.createElement(StackItem, { isFilled: true }), React.createElement(StackItem, { isFilled: true }, React.createElement(Title, { headingLevel: TitleLevel.h2, size: "2xl" }, React.createElement(Msg, { msgKey: "unlinkedLoginProviders" })), React.createElement(DataList, { id: "unlinked-idps", "aria-label": "foo" }, this.makeRows(this.state.unLinkedAccounts, false))))); } emptyRow(isLinked) { let isEmptyMessage = ''; if (isLinked) { isEmptyMessage = Msg.localize('linkedEmpty'); } else { isEmptyMessage = Msg.localize('unlinkedEmpty'); } return React.createElement(DataListItem, { key: "emptyItem", "aria-labelledby": "empty-item" }, React.createElement(DataListItemRow, { key: "emptyRow" }, React.createElement(DataListItemCells, { dataListCells: [React.createElement(DataListCell, { key: "empty" }, React.createElement("strong", null, isEmptyMessage))] }))); } makeRows(accounts, isLinked) { if (accounts.length === 0) { return this.emptyRow(isLinked); } return React.createElement(React.Fragment, null, " ", => React.createElement(DataListItem, { id: `${account.providerAlias}-idp`, key: account.providerName, "aria-labelledby": "simple-item1" }, React.createElement(DataListItemRow, { key: account.providerName }, React.createElement(DataListItemCells, { dataListCells: [React.createElement(DataListCell, { key: "idp" }, React.createElement(Stack, null, React.createElement(StackItem, { isFilled: true }, this.findIcon(account)), React.createElement(StackItem, { id: `${account.providerAlias}-idp-name`, isFilled: true }, React.createElement("h2", null, React.createElement("strong", null, account.displayName))))), React.createElement(DataListCell, { key: "badge" }, React.createElement(Stack, null, React.createElement(StackItem, { isFilled: true }), React.createElement(StackItem, { id: `${account.providerAlias}-idp-badge`, isFilled: true }, this.badge(account)))), React.createElement(DataListCell, { key: "username" }, React.createElement(Stack, null, React.createElement(StackItem, { isFilled: true }), React.createElement(StackItem, { id: `${account.providerAlias}-idp-username`, isFilled: true }, account.linkedUsername)))] }), React.createElement(DataListAction, { "aria-labelledby": "foo", "aria-label": "foo action", id: "setPasswordAction" }, isLinked && React.createElement(Button, { id: `${account.providerAlias}-idp-unlink`, variant: "link", onClick: () => this.unLinkAccount(account) }, React.createElement(UnlinkIcon, { size: "sm" }), " ", React.createElement(Msg, { msgKey: "unLink" })), !isLinked && React.createElement(Button, { id: `${account.providerAlias}-idp-link`, variant: "link", onClick: () => this.linkAccount(account) }, React.createElement(LinkIcon, { size: "sm" }), " ", React.createElement(Msg, { msgKey: "link" })))))), " "); } badge(account) { if ( { return React.createElement(Badge, null, React.createElement(Msg, { msgKey: "socialLogin" })); } return React.createElement(Badge, { style: { backgroundColor: "green" } }, React.createElement(Msg, { msgKey: "systemDefined" })); } findIcon(account) { const socialIconId = `${account.providerAlias}-idp-icon-social`; if (account.providerName.toLowerCase().includes('github')) return React.createElement(GithubIcon, { id: socialIconId, size: "xl" }); if (account.providerName.toLowerCase().includes('linkedin')) return React.createElement(LinkedinIcon, { id: socialIconId, size: "xl" }); if (account.providerName.toLowerCase().includes('facebook')) return React.createElement(FacebookIcon, { id: socialIconId, size: "xl" }); if (account.providerName.toLowerCase().includes('google')) return React.createElement(GoogleIcon, { id: socialIconId, size: "xl" }); if (account.providerName.toLowerCase().includes('instagram')) return React.createElement(InstagramIcon, { id: socialIconId, size: "xl" }); if (account.providerName.toLowerCase().includes('microsoft')) return React.createElement(MicrosoftIcon, { id: socialIconId, size: "xl" }); if (account.providerName.toLowerCase().includes('bitbucket')) return React.createElement(BitbucketIcon, { id: socialIconId, size: "xl" }); if (account.providerName.toLowerCase().includes('twitter')) return React.createElement(TwitterIcon, { id: socialIconId, size: "xl" }); if (account.providerName.toLowerCase().includes('openshift')) return React.createElement(OpenshiftIcon, { id: socialIconId, size: "xl" }); if (account.providerName.toLowerCase().includes('gitlab')) return React.createElement(GitlabIcon, { id: socialIconId, size: "xl" }); if (account.providerName.toLowerCase().includes('paypal')) return React.createElement(PaypalIcon, { id: socialIconId, size: "xl" }); if (account.providerName.toLowerCase().includes('stackoverflow')) return React.createElement(StackOverflowIcon, { id: socialIconId, size: "xl" }); return React.createElement(CubeIcon, { id: `${account.providerAlias}-idp-icon-default`, size: "xl" }); } } _defineProperty(LinkedAccountsPage, "contextType", AccountServiceContext); ; const LinkedAccountsPagewithRouter = withRouter(LinkedAccountsPage); export { LinkedAccountsPagewithRouter as LinkedAccountsPage }; //#